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Dailies & Weeklies

By Unconsidered#1568, Zakum#3080
Last updated 6 July 2022


Daily BountyDaily quests that reward Gold/Black Nuclei, Vera gacha currency, and EXP.
VitalitySee Vitality.
Crew DonationDonate some ingredients so the crew can reach weekly reward payouts.
Ability Training2 minigames that award Ability Points—used to purchase matrix EXP chips and simulacrum gifts.


Void RiftsFarm mobs that drop buffs. Exchange buffs with teammates. Obtain 3 keys and fight boss. Rewards Matrices and Matrix pulls.
+1 run every Mon/Wed/Fri.
Frontier ClashClear 15 waves of enemies⁠—every 3rd wave is a boss. On Hard mode, 5 waves and every wave is a boss. For every boss cleared, gain 1 reward box that contains armor.
+1 run every Tue/Thu/Sat.


Weekly ActivityUp to 900 weekly activity from doing content. Rewards Gold lockbox keys, battle pass EXP, and Dark Crystals.
Raids8-player dungeons that involve defeating one or multiple bosses. The currently implemented raids are: Apophis, Valkyrie/Frigg, Nemesis Twins, and Rudolph (deer world boss). They all have two difficulties--Normal and Hero. Raid rewards can be claimed 3 times a week.
Dream MachinesUp to 7 minigames that pop up when defeating enemies or opening boxes. Rewards include Gold/Black Nuclei, Armor Modules, Relic Fragments, and more.
Bygone Phantasm600+ floors of progressively stronger enemies, with rewards such as Energy Dust, Armor Modules, and Dark Crystals. Rewards can be claimed every weekly reset based on your ranking within your bracket.
Resets on Monday.


Apex LeaguePvP Arena open for 12 hours a day. Pays out rewards based on rank at the end of season. Can be done every day for Weekly Activity Points.
Break FateBattle Royale game mode. Not much is known at this point, but it should pay out end of season rewards.
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